Blue Raven Witch Kit

Blue Raven Witch Kit
Ravens and crows will help you find magic and spirituality in your life. Tools galore are in this kit. It contains a Glass star candle holder, colored spell candles, raven candle, sodalite, Blue calcite quartz moonstone moon shaped agate, raven skull necklace blue Jade bracelet mortar and pestle, cast iron caldron, raven pendulum board and lapis pendulum and a raven skull wand.
It also contains an assortment of Herbs: Lemon, dandelion root, bilberry, Mullein, alfalfa, lemon balm, mother wort, hyssop, caraway, burdock root, mustard seed, rosemary, elderflower, senna, goldenrod, coltsfoot, vervain, Black Salt, Himalayan pink salt, cedar, lavender, Rose petal, sage, cinnamon sticks for many spells.
4 ¾ pounds 2.2 kg
10 ¼ inches long 26.0 cm
7 ¼ inches wide 18.5 cm
4 ¾ inches high 12.6 cm
$ 300.00