Dungeon Master Witch Box

Dungeon Master Witch Box
Fantasy becomes reality with this D&D inspired Witch box. This kit is exquisitely designed, and items masterfully selected for your journey. The box consists of a Set of dragon potion bottles, a pendulum board with quartz pendulum, brass candle holder and colored spell candles, cast iron caldron, brass chalice, crystal wand, athame, set of dice, 3d printed dragon and a dungeons and dragons tarot deck.
Included a mini apothecary box of herbs: Horehound, yarrow, arrow root, passionflower, bloodroot, stinging nettle, worm wood, mugwort, St. John’s wort, rosemary, catnip, basil, mustard seed for many spells and incantations.
7.5 inches high 19.05 cm
7.5 in wide 19.05 cm
9 in long 22.86 cm
7 pounds 3.2 kg