Midnight Raven Witch Kit-SOLD

Midnight Raven Witch Kit-SOLD
If the Raven calls you, you will find magic and spirituality in your life. It may show up in the form of intellect and skillful perception to help you broaden your understanding in the spiritual realm. Ravens are known to shape-shift not only physically but your understanding and the way you view the realms of this world and can help you bring love and light to your life. Let the Raven be your guide.
Filled with the tools you need on your journey. A clear quartz point, embellished scrying mirror, mortar and pestle, a blue aura pendulum, titanium quartz wand with moonstone setting, a vintage brass candle holder, a set of colored spell candles, a brass raven necklace with moonstone and brown obsidian, an offering shell, Himalayan sea salt, sage and cedar. Also has a cache of herbs that include juniper, mugwort, motherwort, wormwood, lemon balm, lemon grass, mullein, elderberry, marshmallow root, cinnamon sticks, stinging nettle, yarrow, lady’s mantle, lavender, cumin, St. john’s Wort, gingko, bergamot, marjoram and the magical property of herbs booklet.
10 inches long
4 ¾ inches wide
11 inches high
5 ½ pounds
$ 290.00