New Beginnings Witch Kit.

New Beginnings Witch Kit.
Are you ready for a change? Then this kit if for you. The New Beginnings Witch Kit has everything you need to start your journey to help you change your life. Beautifully decorated with the black rose symbolizing death or an end and when opened a white rose to symbolize life or a new beginning.
This kit is packed with tools to help you on your journey of self-awareness and enlightenment. Help see your future with the small vintage teacup and saucer, a small spoon, past life recall organic tea to help you learn of the past to help guide your future. Many items for spells and incantations that include a brass burning pot, a set of colored spell candles, a miniature ceramic candle holder, a ceramic mortar and pestle, a set of crystals (Apache tears, clear quartz, desert rose) and an abundance of herbs:
Himalayan pink salt, ladies mantle, skullcap, Jamaican pepper, oat straw, motherwort, lavender, thyme, Fennel seed, sheep sorrel, wormwood, cat nip, yarrow flower, basil, liquorice root, lemon grass, passion flower, cinnamon stick, a large jar of rose buds and the magical properties of herbs booklet.
9 ½ inches long 24 cm
6 inches wide 15.2 cm
7 ¼ inches high 18.4 cm
2.2 kg 4.8 lbs
$ 235.00