Raven Magic Witch Kit

Raven Magic Witch Kit
Ravens will help you find magic and spirituality in your life. This kit includes crystals of Sodalite, selenite disc, blue tigers eye star, cats, eye moon, quartz point, black kyanite, sodalite Raven, moonstone. Also, a set of colored spell candles, star candle holder, silver offering dish, black burning pot, white sage, cedar, Pablo stick, black sea salt, sea salt. Also included in a selection of herbs for spells: Mother wart, Burdock, blessed thistle, bergamot, mustard seed, mugwort, Wormwood, stinging nettle, calendula, black cohosh, orris root, Hissop liquorice, coriander, thyme, alfalfa, pink rosebud, St. John’s wort, horehound, cats claw, lemongrass, Angelica, black pepper, liquorice root, Cinnamon sticks, Bay leaf.
9 ½ long
6 ¾ wide
3 ¼ high
2 kg
$ 290.00