Vampire Hunter kit

Vampire Hunter kit
Fellow witches protect yourself from vampires. This stylish kit is inspired from a bygone era of vampire hunting. Vampires have craved the blood and energy of witches through the ages. This kit includes One silver black mirror, one wooden stake, one antique key, one bottle for holy water, one brass candlestick holder and five white candles, one mortar and pestle, one black scrying bowl, one wooden crucifix, one red rosary, one Agate tooth necklace, seven steel coffin nails, one handmade leather journal, one copper burning pot, one Latin scroll
And a cache of herbs that include: One bottle sea salt , white rose petals, black salt, garlic, arrowroot powder, bloodroot, sage, Poppy seeds, elderflower, lemon, rosemary, vervain, orris root, raspberry leaf, thunder powder (ground obsidian and tektite powder) for protection spells.
7 ¼ inch high 18.4 cm
10 ½ inches wide 26.7 cm
8 ¾ inches long 22.2 cm
8 pounds 3.6 kg
$ 320.00